Organ-protective effects of the alternative renin-angiotensin system and prospects for therapeutic treatment. Review
Kovalyova, Olga
Ковальова, Ольга Миколаївна
Ivanchenko, Svitlana
Іванченко, Світлана Володимирівна
Zhuravlyova, Anna
Журавльова, Анна Костянтинівна
Shapkin, Vadym
Шапкін, Вадим Євгенович
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The article is devoted to review the data regarding the identification of biochemical and functional features of the components of the renin-angiotensin system using the tools of bibliometric analysis of scientific literature. A modern interpretation by the dividing of the multifunctional complex into two systems, namely the classical renin-angiotensin system and alternative renin-angiotensin system, in accordance with the definition of biological effects, is given. The enzymatic cascade involved in the production and metabolism of peptides in both classical and non-classical pathways of renin-angiotensin systems is shown from the point of view of the evolution of scientific concepts. The triggering role of components of the classical renin-angiotensin system in pathophysiological processes with transformation into cardiovascular diseases and metabolic dysfunction has been proven. The history of the creation of pharmacological drugs for the correction of the classic renin-angiotensin system is presented. In view of the achievement of recent years, the revision of the alternative renin-angiotensin system is emphasized due to the discovery of the counter-regulatory action of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, angiotensin-(1 — 7), the Mas receptor in relation to their correction of metabolic processes, regulation of blood pressure, and the presence of anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The positive effect of the components of the non-classical renin-angiotensin system on the protection of the cardiovascular system and kidney is presented based on the results of experimental studies on animals. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics characteristics of recombinant angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in experiments on healthy volunteers are highlighted. The potential protective effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin-(1 — 7) concerning cardiometabolic risk are presented. The available data indicate the need for further comprehensive scientific investigations of the components of alternative renin-angiotensin system to create a new class of pharmacological agents with their implementation in medical practice.
renin-angiotensin system, angiotensin-(1 — 7), angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, 2024а
Organ-protective effects of the alternative renin-angiotensin system and prospects for therapeutic treatment. Review / O. M. Kovalyova, S. V. Ivanchenko, A. K. Zhuravlyova, V. Y. Shapkin // Український терапевтичний журнал. − 2024. − № 3. − С. 82–89.