Кафедра медичної та біологічної фізики і медичної інформатики

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Search Results

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    Research on Entropy Generation in Complex Flow Structures in the Artificial Network of the Circulatory System
    (V. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of NAS of Ukraine, 2023-06-05) Batyuk, Liliya; Kizilova, Nataliya
    The work examines variations in the homothetic ratio of the length and diameters of the separation of the network of blood vessels, as well as variations in the permeability of the walls of the structure, the existence of blocked structures in the network, fluid characteristics, and the effect of friction and heat on entropy generation.
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    The measurement of the dielectric parameters of blood erythrocytes in cancer patients
    (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Anavyssos, Attica, Greece, 2023-05-29) Batyuk, Liliya; Kizilova, Nataliya
    Analysis of the dielectric parameters of blood erythrocytes in cancer patients will provide additional information about the state of water directly in the membranes of erythrocytes during a tumor process, which is of interest in connection with the development of physicochemical methods for diagnosing malignant diseases. This paper presents the results of a study of the temperature dependence of the frequency of dielectric relaxation and the degree of hydration of a suspension of erythrocytes and the ghosts of erythrocytes of blood in normal conditions and in malignant tumors in the temperature range.
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    The National Qualifications Framework In The German Higher Education System
    (Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі. Центр інноваційного навчання та трансферу технологій., 2023-01-17) Batyuk, Liliya; Zhernovnykova, Oksana
    The systems of higher education in the countries that are participants of the Bologna process involve an understanding of the role of higher education, higher education institutions, students, academic staff and public partners. The national qualification framework is a key element of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany and clearly defined. Descriptions of higher education qualifications were developed taking into account both level classification and branch classification
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    Formation of a new strategy in higher education in Ukraine: digitalization of medical education
    (Харк. нац. пед. ун-т імені Г. С. Сковороди, 2023-03-16) Batyuk, Liliya; Zhernovnykova, Oksana
    This work presents a conceptual model for the implementation of the digital transformation of education in higher medical education in Ukraine on the example of the digitalization of the educational component “Medical and Biological Physics”, which is taught at the Kharkiv National Medical University.
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    Strategy for the development of digital competence in the national education system of Ukrainian socety
    (Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2018-11) Batyuk, Liliya; Zhernovnykova, Oksana
    The article examines the issue of the strategy for the development of digital competence in the national education system of Ukrainian society under the influence of intensive development of ICT and in the context of practical recommendations provided by UNESCO regarding the structure of ICT competence of teachers. It was determined that there is no uniform policy of ICT education transformation in public institutions of Ukraine and there are no ICT standards - competences of participants in the educational process. The conceptual vision of informatization of the national education system of Ukraine is described, in the context of strengthening the role of digital competences and technologies. A comparative analysis of the large-scale informatization of the global education system, which led to the emergence of new methods and forms of education, was carried out. It is emphasized that the national education system of Ukraine is slowly introducing new methods and forms of education, which leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of Ukrainian education in the globalized educational space, and as a result leads to a decrease in the country's competitiveness in socio-economic and scientific and technical progress as a whole.
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    The European structure of digital competences in Ukrainian society: challenges and innovations
    (2017-11) Batyuk, Liliya
    Digital competences in education not only improve the learning process, but also stimulate changes in the pedagogical process on the path of informatization of Ukrainian education and society as a whole and directly affect the reduction of the «digital divide». In recent years, the position of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Ukrainian society and education has strengthened. In addition to ICT infrastructure, digital content creation and teacher training initiatives, recent curriculum reforms support the use of digital technologies in many subjects. In order for citizens to improve their digital competence, the European Commission has proposed a tool known as The European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp). In this article, we analyze a number of concepts and approaches related to the European structure of digital competences in Ukrainian society and related with it the projects and initiatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on several educational, cultural and disciplinary grounds.
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    Розробка, приготування і контроль якості мікро/наносуспензій: огляд технологій і перспективи
    (ТНУ імені В.І. Вернадського, 2022) Батюк, Лілія Василівна; Кізілова, Наталія Миколаївна
    В статті наведені результати систематичного огляду літератури з методів отримання, використання і контролю якості наносуспензій для потреб промисловості, медицини і повсякденного цивільного життя, а саме для багатоцільової обробки поверхонь, незамерзаючих фарб для стін підвищеної стійкості, самоочищуючихся поверхонь, змащування поверхонь тертя, поглинання сонячної радіації, цільової доставки ліків до клітин і тканин, та багато ін. Наведені різні типи наночастинок і базових рідин для виготовлення наносуспензій, методів отримання наночастинок і методів стабілізації наносуспензій для запобігання злипанню і осіданню частинок, що визначається як старіння суспензій. Перелічені унікальні властивості наночастинок, які відрізняються від властивостей тих самих матеріалів в макрооб’ємах, а саме – високі адгезивність і механічна міцність, високі тепло- та електропровідність, а також механічні властивості, магнітні властивості наночастинок з немагнітних матеріалів. На основі аналізу літератури останніх десятиріч систематизовані дані про механізми втрати частинками наносуспензій їх унікальних фізико-хімічних властивостей за рахунок старіння суспензій. Проаналізовані механізми старіння: утворення агрегатів, їх седиментація і солідіфікація/кристалізація. Наведений огляд підходів до оновлення фізико-хімічних і медико-біологічних властивостей нанорідин. В якості найбільш ефективних і дешевих можна вказати обробку суспензії електромагнітними полями ультразвукових діапазонів з частотами >20 кГц (ультразвукова гомогенізація) і хімічна обробка поверхонь. Обидві технології можуть використатися як для макросуспензій з діаметрами частинок >0.5 мм, так і для суспензій мікрочастинок і наночастинок.
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    Education of students in higher educational medical universities of Ukraine taking into account competence-oriented educational technologies
    (2016-02) Batyuk, Liliya; Zhernovnykova, Oksana
    A higher educational institution is called upon to contribute to a constant increase in the degree of development and readiness of students for self-educational activities on a proactive basis. The features of training and formation of competences among medical students in the general theoretical aspect are considered as a fundamental condition for the successful implementation of future professional activities, which provides the ability to quickly and correctly use knowledge, experience, and personal qualities, ensures their control and restructuring of activities when obstacles appear. The development of the proposed theoretical and practical material in medical universities is of a general nature, including and substantiating the goal, objectives and structure of the formation of the personality of a future professional. The application of the competence-based approach and the practical orientation of training in higher educational medical institutions of Ukraine are designed to form student’s not only preliminary, but also situational readiness. In the context of considering competence-oriented educational technologies in higher educational universities of Ukraine, including pedagogical and educational technologies, is the readiness of future specialists for productive independent and responsible action in professional activities and everyday life. The teachers of medical universities are obliged to ensure the achievement of this result using a complex integral image of the final result of education at the university in the direction of training (specialty), which is based on the concept of “competence”.
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    Electronical educational and methodological complexes as a means of forming the professional competence of future doctors when studying disciplines from natural sciences
    (2015-11) Batyuk, Liliya
    The article examines the possibilities of electronical educational and methodological complexes for the formation of professional competence of masters of higher medical education institutions and assessment of their academic achievements. It is claimed that obtaining a quality education is inextricably linked to the use of digital information and communication technologies, connected with the ability of students to understand electronic materials presented in the form of texts, graphs and tables, and to independently master theoretical material. Emphasis is placed on the tendency to use professionally oriented materials as a source of knowledge. The article presents the results of research into the forms and methods of effective implementation of electronical educational and methodical complexes on the Moodle platform among students which are studying at the Kharkiv National Medical University on the example of the academic discipline Medical and Biological Physics. The advantages and disadvantages of using electronic educational and methodological complexes in higher educational institutions are discussed.
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    Development of modern nanotecnologies and combined biotoxicity problems
    (2022-09-30) Batyuk, Liliya; Kizilova, Nataliya
    Fast progress in modern nanotechnologies based on use of nanoparticles, nanofibers and nanotubes with different composition, shape and size allows elaboration of materials with superhigh strength, thermal and electric conductivity, acoustical and optical properties. Those materials are already widely used in industry, transportation, aerospace, marine and civil engineering, food processing and medicine. Some examples of nanoreinforces composites, superhydrophobic self-cleaning surfaces, nanodyes and suspensions of nanoparticles are described. The problem of uncontrolled accumulation of some types of nanoparticles in our cells and tissues is discussed within the concept of nanotoxicity. Since the history of permanent observation of human health in connection with nanodust accumulation in the atmosphere, waters and soils is not enough long, the detailed evidences must be documented, systematized and discussed. In this study a brief systematic review of literature on the biotoxicity problems caused by modern nanotechnologies is given. Production of the nanoparticles, nanofibers and nanotubes for industry, transportation, food processing, as well as utilization of the used materials which properties were modified by the nanotechnologies leads to permanent rise of the nanodust in the atmosphere, soils, river waters, lakes and the sea bottom. Their uncontrolled interaction with flora and fauna could be catastrophic for human health and life on the Earth. Promising ways for the problem solution and perspectives are discussed. Some own results on the protective action of nanodiamonds, silver and some other nanoparticles are presented. A vital necessity of an open access database on known types of nanoparticles, their use in the materials and documented influence of health of animals and humans is discussed.