Preventive and interceptive orthodontics : textbook
Назарян, Розана Степанівна
Хмиз, Тетяна Григорівна
Кузіна, Вікторія Вадимівна
Nazarayn, R.
Khmiz, T.
Kuzina, V.
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In the textbook covers the development of dentognatic systems, the characteristics of physiological and pathological types of occlusion, physiological and pathological types of the basic functions of the oral cavity. The changes in the dentognatic system after the impact of adverse factors, including oral habits, pathological functions of the oral cavity, untimely sanitation of the oral cavity are also described. Measures of prevention and treatment of malocclusion in different periods of the development of dentognatic systems are described in detail.
The textbook is recommended for students of dental faculty, dentists.
Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ.
Протокол No 1 від 26.01.2023
development of dentognatic systems, characteristics of physiological and pathological types of occlusion, physiological and pathological types of functions of the oral cavity, oral habits, prevention and treatment of malocclusions, НП2023/2023
Nazarayn R. S. Preventive and interceptive orthodontics : textbook / R. S. Nazarayn, T. G. Khmiz, V. V. Kuzina. – Kharkiv : KNMU, 2023. – 152 p.