Diseases of endocrine system. The diseases of thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency. Clinical presentation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Thyrotoxicosis. Clinical forms, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors of thyroid gland and pathology of parathyroid glands
Zhuravlyova, Larysa
Fedorov, Volodymyr
Bobronnikova, Lesya
Filonenko, Maryna
Yankevych, Oleksandr
Krivonosova, O.
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Through the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influences almost all of the metabolic processes in human body. Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Although the effects can be unpleasant or uncomfortable, most thyroid problems can be managed well if properly diagnosed and treated
thyroid gland, thyrotoxicosis, tumors of thyroid gland
Diseases of endocrine system. The diseases of thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency. Clinical presentation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Thyrotoxicosis. Clinical forms, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors of thyroid gland and pathology of parathyroid glands.: methodological recommendations for students of IV course / comp.: L. V. Zhuravlyova, V. O. Fedorov, L. R. Bobronnicova [et al.]. – Kharkiv : KNMU, 2013. – 36 p.