Кафедра стоматології дитячого віку та імплантології

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/187


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Importance of antimicrobial factors for microbiocenosis and local immunity of the oral cavity in children with mucoviscidosis
    (2022) Khmiz, T.; Tkachenko, M.; Kovalenko, N.; Bocharova, T.; Bondarenko, A.; Shevchuk, V.; Odushkina, N.; Nazaryan, R.; Gargin, V.
    The involvement of commensals and opportunistic pathogens and the role of protective mechanisms in the development of dental diseases in children with cystic fibrosis require more detailed study. The aim of the study was to determine the ecological characteristics of the oral microbiota and some antimicrobial factors of saliva in children with mucoviscidosis. Materials and methods. The study involved an assessment of oral microbiota as complex ecological system that protects the human body from colonization by pathogenic flora in children with cystic fibrosis. Bacteriological studies have been performed on clinical material from 30 children with mucoviscidosis diagnosed with dental and periodontal diseases. Results. In the microbiological study of plaque microbiota, 70 strains of opportunistic pathogens were isolated in patients with mucoviscidosis. The most significant were alpha-hemolytic Streptococci (40%). The proportion of bacteria of Neisseria genus in patients with cystic fibrosis was lower and amounted to 24.3%. C. albicans fungi were isolated in comparable values (18.5%), S. aureus (8.5%), as well as gram-negative strains of E. aerogenes (4.3%) and E. coli (4.3%) significantly dominated. The results indicate that opportunistic pathogens S. aureus, E. aerogenes and E. coli partially replaced the representatives of the normal oral microbiota alpha-hemolytic streptococci and non-pathogenic species of Neisseria genus in patients with mucoviscidosis. Conclusions. Microbiota of plaque in children with mucoviscidosis is characterized by an expansion of the spectrum of opportunistic pathogens due to Staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria and C. albicans fungi, which indicates a violation of the microbiocenosis due to reduced mucosal immunity. Mucosal immunity of the oral cavity in children with mucoviscidosis is characterized by a 1.5-fold decrease in lysozyme activity and the level of secretory IgA in the saliva of children.
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    Dynamic of hygienic status in children, who have changed the manual toothbrush to a sonic one
    (KhNMU, 2020-10-08) Bugaiev, Vladyslav; Hrybyniuk, Vladyslav; Kuzina, Viktoriya
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    Justification of selection of means and methods of the oral cavity hygiene in children with cystic fibrosis
    (2020-07) Nazaryan, Rosana; Tkachenko, Maryna; Piontkovska, Oksana
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    Evaluation of the mineralizing potential of oral fluid in children with Down syndrome depending on the level of the cariogenic process
    (2020-07) Nazaryan, Rosana; Kryvenko, Liudmyla; Iskorostenska, Olga; Tishkovets, Yelena
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    Investigation of the properties of the oral liquid and polymorphism of the muc5b gene in children with cystic fibrosis
    (Kharkiv National Medical University, 2020-03) Nazaryan, R.; Tkachenko, M.; Volkova, N.
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    Interrelation of the gene CDKN1A (RS 1801270) polymorphic state and level of development of caries in children with Down syndrome
    (2018-02) Nazaryan, Rosana; Iskorostenska, Olga; Gorenskaya, O.; Volkova, N.; Gargin, Vitaliy
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    Peculiarities of clinical manifestations of Down's syndrome in dental practice
    (2015) Mikulinska-Rudich, Yuliia; Mys, Viktoriia; Iskorostenska, Olga
    This article permits doctors of practical health care to pay attention to peculiarities of dental status of children with Down’s syndrome and to take into account interconnection between somatic pathology and development of pathological processes in maxillofacial area of children with trisomy-21 by choosing correct method of treatment of dental disease
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    Periodontal tissue condition PMA, oral hygiene (OHI-S) in 9-11 y/o
    (2015) Volchenko, Nataliia; Sokolova, Iryna; Nazaryan, Rosana
    The study of education load impact, created by different education systems shows that the increase in intellectual activity volume has an influence on schoolchildren. The influence of increased load is often adverse. The aim of our research was to investigate oral hygiene state and periodontal tissue condition and questionnaire in schoolchildren 9-11 year old, who are enrolled in different education programs (children enrolled in general education program and schoolchildren enrolled in advanced study of foreign languages).
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    Assessment of dental plaque microflora on first permanent molars at eruption
    (2015-09-24) Nazaryan, Rosana; Spiridonova, Rseniia; Vlasov, Andrei
    The article presents results of study the qualitative and quantitative composition of plaque microflora on fissures of first permanent molars at the stage of eruption in children with various forms of caries activity.
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    Уровень стоматологического здоровья детей возрастом 10-11 лет города Харькова
    (2013-01-28) Назарян, Розана Степановна; Удовиченко, Наталья Николаевна; Спиридонова, Ксения Юрьевна
    Целью данного исследования явилось изучение заболеваемости кариесом временных и постоянных зубов у детей 10-11 лет города Харькова. Было обследовано 111 детей. Изучали распространённость и интенсивность кариеса временных и постоянных зубов с помощью индексов кп, КПУ, ИКПз, определяли уровень индивидуальной гигиены полости рта при помощи индекса Грина-Вермиллиона и Фёдорова-Володкиной. В результате исследования установлены высокий показатель распространённости (92%) и средний уровень интенсивности (3,96 ± 0,18) кариеса зубов. Выявлено, что 87,4% детей имеют кариозное поражение постоянных зубов с преимущественной локализацией в фиссурах первых постоянных моляров (96%). Определён высокий уровень интенсивности кариеса постоянных зубов - 4,51 ± 0,18. Установлен удовлетворительный уровень гигиены полости рта. Анализ результатов свидетельствует о необходимости разработки новых методов профилактики кариеса.